
Friday, May 9, 2008

'tis the vicious cycle...

To whoever may stumble upon this;

Please do feel free to rolls your eyes at the title of this post and venture a little further down, you will most certainly find out why I decided to use it, I promise.

I won't lie, this is not my first blog. Shame on me, I lost my blogging virginity to non other than Livejournal, which incidentally, I abandoned a few months after I signed up. Since then a few more have followed and been abandoned. It's a somewhat yearly ritual of mine, be stressed, get blog/journal, rant on an almost daily basis, regret the things I so willingly posted, maybe delete a post or two, eventually lose all interest, neglect posting until I forget the damn thing exists, rinse and repeat.

Hence the tittle.

Wait, that last part kindda doesn't make sense does it?

Who cares anyway? You might be wondering who is this person making you waste your precious time when you could be watching amusing stuff on youtube?

Well, I'm nothing interesting really, I'm an average, twenty something gal. I won't lie to you, if we were standing in a room full of people, you would most likely not notice my presence. That's how mundane a creature I am. 5'6" tall, short hair dyed red, brown eyes, chubby, if you were to actually see me you would notice I'm not white right away, even though I'm pale to an almost unhealthy level.

Don't ask me about my personality, I have never been able to describe myself accurately, I'm always at a loss when it comes to how I am. Just read and feel free to come up with your own conclusion, it's much better that way.

I make a living being nice to a lot of people I would rather punch in the face, no, I'm not a professional brown nose, believe me, ass-kissery is one of those things I'm really, REALLY bad at. I'm at the bottom of the administrative ladder at a patient transport department, A.K.A. a dispatcher. What exactly does that mean? It means I sit at a desk for 8.5 hours, taking orders for four hospital departments and I manage the flow of work for all of them. It may sound easy, but believe me, it's not. I'd try to summarize what I do at work, but it's a tedious, absurdly long explanation not matter how short I try to make it, so I'll spare you.

I'm already high on sleeping pills and pain killers, so I'll stop here. If you feel like reading a young woman's rants about nonsensical shit, stick around, I'll help you regret the moment you read this. ;)

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